Vaccine Skepticism Extends Even to Health Workers Fighting Covid

In North Carolina and Ohio, most nursing-home employees are declining the Covid-19 vaccine. A Florida physician and a New York City paramedic are saying no. The federal government, which left the states to sort out immunizations, is suggesting pizza parties and raffle prizes as incentives for medical staffs to roll up their sleeves. Reluctance to […]

Doctors ramp up efforts to encourage pregnant women to get vaccinated for COVID-19

By: Larissa Scott Posted at 7:33 AM, Sep 24, 2021 and last updated 11:11 AM, Sep 24, 2021 TAMPA, Fla. — There are growing concerns for pregnant women contracting COVID-19. “There is an absolute significant increase in morbidity that’s being seen in pregnant women due to COVID,” said Dr. David Berger, Board Certified Pediatrician at Wholistic Pediatrics and Family […]


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