5 Year Anniversary: Doctors Perspective

End of telehealth recertification could mean end of treatment for some medical marijuana patients

BY SARAH BLAZONIS TAMPA PUBLISHED 11:15 PM ET JUN. 25, 2021 TAMPA, Fla. — An emergency order from the Florida Department of Health that allowed physicians to renew certifications for medical marijuana via telehealth is set to expire Saturday. The order was issued in response to the pandemic and meant that patients who had already been issued an initial […]
Telehealth for those who rely on medical marijuana in Florida could soon be ending

An emergency order put in place during the pandemic made it easier for those needing medical marijuana to get it. The order expires on June 26. TAMPA, Fla. — Barbara Cepelak says she’ll do whatever it takes to get her son his medical marijuana. After 28 years of daily seizures and countless medications, Cepelak says […]