Dr. David’s Advice On: My Five Most Important Cannabinoids

Most people have heard of CBD, it seems to be everywhere these days! But did you know there are more than 100 different cannabinoids found in cannabis/hemp plants? These are the five that I recommend most in my medical practice: 1. CBD (Cannabidiol) – This cannabinoid slows the breakdown of our naturally produced endocannabinoids and […]
Federal lawmakers consider expanding medical marijuana research across the country

By: Larissa Scott Posted at 6:22 AM, Apr 21, 2022, and last updated 7:39 AM, Apr 21, 2022 TAMPA, Fla. — Currently, there are two different federal bills, one in the House and one in the Senate, that aim to expand medical marijuana research. “We were one of the very early patients,” said Leslie Ciper. Her son uses medical marijuana to help […]
Pediatrician Offers Holistic Approach with Herbs, Including Medical Marijuana

When Tampa pediatrician David Berger was still in medical school, he came across a book about natural medicines. That find would define the way he practices medicine today and makes him unafraid to try a wholistic approach. That includes certifying some of his young patients to receive medical marijuana. He is one of only a […]