Ask Dr. David: Can You Treat Anxiety with Medical Cannabis?

Did you know almost 20% (40 million people) of the adult population in the United States suffer from anxiety each year? Even though the medical profession considers this is a very treatable disease, only about one-third of affected people seek treatment. ( Anxiety as a potentially qualifying diagnosis Many people suffer from debilitating anxiety to […]

Medical Marijuana for Treating ADD/ADHD

Many people have asked me whether medical cannabis might be able to help someone who has debilitating ADD/ADHD, and if I would be willing to facilitate the treatment. Because one of the known side effects of recreational marijuana is the possibility of reducing attention, memory, and cognitive function (especially in children), one could reasonably ask […]

Why I Treat Children with Medical Cannabis Therapy

As a wholistic pediatrician, I have used medicinal herbs to treat variety of childhood ailments for more than 20 years. Back in 1997, if you would have suggested I would be ordering medical cannabis for children in 2017, I probably would have smiled and asked, “What have you been smoking?”


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