It’s summer time! Or in other words… It’s bug bite time! As a pediatrician who has practiced in Florida for 25 years, I’m often asked about insect bites.

Here are my “Top 5” tips and things to consider:

  1. Avoid DEET– Many Wholistic families wish to avoid DEET. While 10% DEET has been determined safe by the watchdog Environmental Work Group, 20% Picaridin Insect derived from black pepper is as effective as DEET and less irritable. Spraying products on clothing is a good alternative for those who are sensitive or want to avoid direct skin contact.
  2. Take preventative measures– Wearing lightweight, long sleeve clothing can serve as an effective barrier to insects.
  3. Don’t scratch!-When mosquito bites occur, avoid scratching them, as it can lead to secondary bacterial infections. One way to prevent this is to keep the fingernails short and use anti-itch treatments. Watch for signs of skin infection and seek medical treatment if needed.
  4. Zika virus– Zika is a mosquito-borne virus that can cause birth defects and pregnancy loss. The virus is most dangerous during early pregnancy. While considerable concern about this was raised a few years ago, there are currently no known outbreaks worldwide.
  5. Lyme disease precautions-The Ixodes tick (also known as the black-legged tick or deer tick) is the tick that transmits Borrelia Burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Historically, this tick is found primarily in the northeastern U.S. states. Many animals, not just deer, can carry this tick. Familiarize yourself with what the tick looks like, the associated rash, and where you can take ticks locally to get them tested. Timely antibiotic use can prevent more severe complications from developing. 20 to 30% DEET may be needed to repel these ticks.

For even more information on bug bites, check out my new Ask Dr. David video: Ouch! Is It Bug Season Again?


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